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Words from the Senior Pastor regarding the Coronavirus

Regarding the Coronavirus and COVID-19

We don’t need to panic we need to be proactive, practical and prayerful.

I don’t need to rehash much of the information we’re all familiar with. However I want to offer some insights that I believe will be helpful and restorative of hope.

There are many media sources we can look to and find information about the current state of this Pandemic. Often in stressful times our anxiety needle immediately goes from zero to 100 as soon as we get a piece of news.

Like any situation if we understand the history or genesis of a situation, it can position us to better deal with it.

I suggest you take a look at the Coronavirus ABC on YouTube ( Coronavirus: How the deadly epidemic sparked a global emergency)

and also frequently go to the Center For Disease Control CDC website.

Regardless of where you get your news here are some things I would like to strongly suggest:


-Of course making sure we are not placing ourselves in positions that perpetuate this pandemic.

-Wash your hands thoroughly and regularly, or use hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol

-Cover coughs or sneezes, preferably into a tissue that can be disposed of

-Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth

-Clean surfaces in your home, especially commonly touched items.

Adhering to social distance and separation. (designated distance from others without Inappropriate discrimination.)

And most importantly if you feel or think you have been infected disclose that information, quarantine yourself. If you have the ability to stay at home, please stay at home and of course get tested.

This is about making intelligent, mature and unselfish choices.

This is a time in our community and country to think not only about ourselves but others also. This is a time where the strong must bear the burden of the weak. We must concern ourselves about those most vulnerable.

Several churches, including us, will be having services this Sunday. We have implemented certain protocols such as disinfecting our facilities

before and after assembly, and have set up hand washing stations. However if you feel vulnerable please stay home. If you are in that category and need assistance from the church please give us a call.

That’s the practical.


Know that the end is not here. This too, shall pass. But we are co-labors with God. We the people of God need assume the postures of prayer. We need to be very specific in our petitions and requests. We are praying that this pandemic is short lived. Please pray for those currently affected. We call on all of you that know the words of prayer and the power of prayer to join us in this effort. Thank you!

Pastor Promise Lee

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